Week 04- "Life's a Game Log #4"

Marbles are the sport I chose to learn about from Mr. Animate. The thing about marbles is that there are many many ways to play. What is needed for this game is just a few spherical marbles. One most known way to play is for one of the two players to get their marbles in a whole first, and the one that does so wins. The main objective of any marbles game that is played is to achieve the target of the particular game. There is always a way for a winner so being you do that is the way one wins and the game ends. This game is mostly known to be creative so the player can play whatever their mind can think of with the marbles. Marbles is a game that can be played anywhere as long as there's a bit of space for the marbles and the marbles themselves. The age range to play doesn't matter, about anyone can hop in and play the game.  From Macklin's "Game of Play" the marbles game I chose relates to the topic of games of chance and uncertainty. The reason I say this is because the game of marbles is more based on luck than skill, since there are many games you can play skill is a very small factor in it when playing against another player. In the "Game of Play" book, it states, The proportion in which you use strategy, skill, chance, and uncertainty is one of your considerations as a designer. So the game of marbles can have tons of variations to play and the game can be based on these different categories as he stated. So if you want to make it about skill, chance, or uncertainty you can do as you wish depending on the game choice. The good thing about a game like marbles is that "Purely chance-based games remove decision-making from the player experience." As said in the "Game of PLay" book by Macklin chance games can be good to even out the playing field between two completely different skill players. So maybe someone who isn't as skilled at something over another player can easily have a chance to win at the game because the game is meant for it to be luck and random. The GDC talk, it says that a sport is meant to be performed in front of others for people to see and enjoy. That right there shows that almost any game or thing can be a sport from his definition because as long as spectators can enjoy it and have fun as much as the players then it is something for everyone to enjoy and be a part of.

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